Name: Kevin Daniel
Age: Sixteen
Location: So. Cal.
Ten Favorite Bands (not all have to be hardcore, but some do):
+Casey Jones
+Good Clean Fun
+No Innocent Victim
+25 Ta Life
+Cast Aside
+First Blood
+Seven Generations
Five Favorite Movies:
+Star Wars(every single one)
+Donnie Darko
+Boston Beatdown 2
+We're Never Goin Home( Against Me! dvd)
Three Favorite Personal Items and Why:
+My car. It get's me places and is reliable. Plus, its name is THE MAN.
+My cell phone. Why do you think?
+My backpack. I basically live out of it.
Best show you've been to and Why: Facedown Fest 2004. Amazing bands, great crowd.
Your favorite hardcore vocalist and why:Thomas Lindeberg of At The Gates. It's so sick, he's so pissed and he's like, im'a kill you sluts.
One thing that pisses you off about hardcore, why: Kids who aren't down with new jacks.. Everyone starts sometime.
Who is Immanuel Kant: No idea.
Your thoughts on fighting: should try to avoid it, but if you can't then you better win.
Pepsi, coke, or are you mormon? Pepsi.
Pictures. 3 face shots atleast.