Yeah - so this is a little bit of a rant- but mostly its truly just to say Happy New Year to all my friends - since I cant really spend too much time on the computer emailing or ???? without Lillith looking to take a chunk out of my hide.
It's New Years Eve where I am... the coutndown beginning to 2009. I gotta figure its gonna be a better year than 2008- right? Has to be - cause I'm not sure that much more could be worse than 2008- unless it was 2007? Oh crap- is this a trend???? Just my luck!
But screw all that... Not gonna focus on the crap from this year thats finally gonna be over - instead I'm gonna focus on the good stuff and what I hope to be the highlights for 2009
1. Chicago - Jensen- Jensen- Jensen ( and did I mention Jensen?) oh and that Jared guy too! hahahaha sorry Steph! Wow- nothing comes close to that-
2. Settling in to the new house- yep- it has its issues - but overall its better than where we were last year in August! 'nuff said!
3. Good Friends! - You guys rock- you keep me sane (or as much as I've ever been!)
4. Road trip! Steph- we are SOOOOO doing this- I dont care if I have to sell a kidney- or my soul! Oh wait- think I've done that too many times already.
5. My family! Yep... they can drive me crazy with incessant need - but hey... how can you not love a husband that indulges my SN fanaticism and two little boys that embrace Sam and Dean as much as if they were real uncles.
6. Writing. Somewhere- along the pits of despair there a time or two - my writing this year really improved... I'm truly halfway happy with it ( caveat there is the 'halfway') but hey- its better than where I've been
7. Rehab PT- yeah thats a funny one- but its sooo much better than not being able to feel/move/ use your hand at all. I still have hope ( or maybe stubborn determination) that I'll get it back to something resembling 100%.
8. Family... its getting easier to live my life and ignore the judgemental comments. Let's face it- I've been a disappointment or hell-bound most of my adult life... Its sorta getting comfortable!
9. Having a job - yep- as much as it can piss me off- the use and abuse of my employers - I know its alot tougher out there for many - including some of my friends.
10. And of course SN - yeah- I'm obsessed - but damn- for once- its something that I do for me!
Happy New Year everyone....
P.s. - Congrats Steph and Iris on winning over on UnGen!
Cya next year!