Smallville again

May 18, 2007 01:17

Warning: Here be spoilers!

I. That was very, very cold of Lana to fake her own death and frame Lex for murder, especially since she doesn't know if it was Lex or Lionel who faked her pregnancy and miscarriage. On the other hand, it IS a rather Lutherian thing to do. And Lionel was uncharacteristically stupid to fall for it.

II. The biggest shock to me was Lois being stabbed. Normally on Smallville you can tell from miles away whether someone will live or die, but Lois' predicament was the most realistic (and thus most frightening) life-or-death situation I've seen on that show. It was so sad when Chloe found her. (All in all, a miserable episode for Chloe.) In terms of guts, intelligence, strength, and resourcefulness, Lois is a pretty fascinating hero in her own right, despite the lack of special powers. Oliver was an idiot not to invite her into the all-boys club (NO GIRLS ALLOWED!) Justice League.

III. I did not see that twist with Chloe coming. This show can be so over the top that there are very few "wow" moments for me. That was one.

IV. Okay, everyone but Martha is in danger. Can Lionel please be the one to die? He remains unlikeable, and there is nothing new they can do with his character (unless he suddenly transforms into a loving father to Lex.)

V. I think I'm going to like Dark Clark.

television, smallville

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