Four questions

Apr 16, 2007 11:48

In The Book of Prefaces, Alasdair Gray says that all literature tries to answer at least one of four questions:

Who am I?

How did I come here?

What should I do?

Where am I going?

I invite everyone reading this to come up with their own answers before reading mine.

Who am I?
I am a woman, an American, a human being. I am also a feminist and a Pagan.

How did I come here?
I am the child of my parents, who are in turn the children of their parents.
My mother's people come from Ireland and Germany, and before that (most likely) from India.
My father's people come from Eastern Europe, and before that from Israel.
The ancestors of my mother's and father's people come from Africa. They are descended from Homo erectus, who are descended from Australopithicus, and so on and so forth back to the first mamelian rodent who walked the Earth.

What should I do?
Harm no one. Be fair and honest. Take care of myself and contribute to the well-being of society. Survive. Help my family and my friends. If it is within my power, help any and all people on this Earth.

Where am I going? (No handbasket jokes, please. ;-) )
Through cremation or decomposition, my body's molecules will be transformed and return to the Earth. My soul will join with Something beyond my comprehension which I view as the Goddess, and will eventually be reborn in another body.

identity, religion, philosophy

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