Old Ones are i-cumen in

Mar 16, 2007 13:44

Submitted for your approval: a rewriting of the medieval song "Sumer is i-cumen in."
Gentle, constructive criticism is appreciated.

The Old Ones are i-cumen in.
Lhude sing Cthulu.
Groweth gloom and bloweth doom
And springth R'lyeh anew.
Sing Cthulu.
Scholar bleteth after lore,
Lhouth after priests Cthulu.
Yog-Sothoth sterteth,
Nug and Yeb verteth.
Murie sing Cthulu.
Cthulu, Cthulu.
Well singes thu Cthulu.
Ne swik thu naver nu.

medieval music, call of cthulu, writing, filk

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