alternative approaches to calendars part II

Feb 27, 2014 00:10

Last year I started playing around with Merlin Stone's concept of using the start of agriculture for dating purposes as opposed to our current system:
A facebook meme gave me more dates to plug into my timeline. So here is a slightly different chronology:

40,000 BDA Emergence of modern humans
16,000 BDA Venus of Willendorf
Year 1 Beginning of agriculture
5430 ADA Pyramid of Giza built
6300 ADA Wooly Mammoths die out
7931-7970 ADA Cleopatra
8000 ADA Birth of Jesus
9299 ADA Founding of the Ottoman Empire
9636 ADA Harvard University established
9642 ADA Death of Galileo
9684 ADA invention of calculus
9687 ADA publication of Isaac Newton's Principia
9841-9845 ADA John Tyler President of US
9843 ADA Fax machine invented; Oregon Trail migration begins
9853 ADA Tiffany & Co. founded
9858 ADA Macy's founded
9861 ADA founding of the country of Italy
9889 ADA Eiffel Tower completed; Van Gogh paints "Starry Night"; Nintendo founded
9908 ADA Chicago Cubs win World Series
9920s ADA John Tyler's grandsons born
9922 ADA Ottoman Empire falls; Betty White born
9928 ADA sliced bread invented
9969 ADA moon landing
9977 ADA "Star Wars" released in theaters; last execution by guillotine
10,014 ADA current year


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