In response to Israeli forces bombing Syria, someone in a Facebook post said, "That Holocaust they've been lying about for 68 years? It's about to get real, real soon." Here is my response:
1) The Holocaust is not a lie. There is so much documentation for it I don't even know what to link to. Let me give personal testimony instead. My father's side of the family is Jewish (Austrian/Hungarian and Transylvanian.) When I was 18, my grandparents told me that after the Holocaust their parents (who were immigrants) tried to contact their relatives in Eastern Europe. Not only could they not find them, but there were no survivors in the villages from which they'd come.
2) The Holocaust was an attempt by Nazi Germany to rid the world of people who were not Aryan. Calling for the Holocaust to become "real" is advocating mass murder based on ethnicity - my ethnicity.
3) I have no problem with criticizing the Netenyahu administration in Israel. But when it turns into a plea to get rid of Judaism throughout the world, it becomes racist.
4) Even blaming all Israelis - let alone all Jews - for the actions of the current Israeli administration is like blaming all Americans (which would include most of the people reading this) for Bush's Iraq War or Obama's Drone strikes in Pakistan. Israelis are no more a monolithic voting block than Americans.
Again, if you want to criticize individual actions by individuals, be they Israeli Jews or American Christians, you have every right to do so. Just try to refrain from calling for the elimination of people of a different race than you.
Here is a link about the Israeli bombing of Syria: