Magical Druid

Jan 07, 2013 23:50

This Saturday I attended the opening of a new Pagan store in Columbus called the Magical Druid, started by chronarchy. The shop, on the corner of Pacemont and High, has many wondrous things and Columbusites should check it out.

I met chronarchy during the first full year of the OSU Pagan Student Association, the year after I'd begun my own journey into this religion called Paganism. PSA taught me so much about religion, ethics, history and myself. It provided a sense of community which has been very difficult to find since. I found the store opening genuinely moving, seeing chronarchy living the Pagan dream. You've grown so much over the years, and I'm truly impressed witnessing all you've accomplished.

It was also amazing running into so many people I knew. Afterwards, I had a lovely dinner with wishesofastar and oknight, both of whom I also met through PSA. And then that evening, my mother and I sang Christmas carols to celebrate 12th Night. All in all, a worthwhile trip.

paganism, friends, holidays

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