Best fantasy/science fiction titles part III

Aug 16, 2011 23:44

11. I, Robot, Isaac Asimov. An amazing, and sympathetic, portrayal of robots and artificial intelligence. I read this in elementary school and the story "Liar" still haunts me.

12. Martian Chronicles, Ray Bradbury. Scientifically impossible for Mars, this is nonetheless a lyrical and beautiful account of humans settling on another planet.

13. Mists of Avalon, Marian Zimmer Bradley. I almost didn't include this novel, since in my opinion it's not even the best feminist retelling of the Arthurian legend. (That honor goes to the Guenever trilogy by Persia Wooley.) However, the influence of this novel on Arthurian fiction, feminist fantasy, and even Neo-Paganism (even though Bradley was not a Pagan) was tremendous. This remains a classic and a must-read for all fans of fantasy.

14. Parable of the Sower, Octavia Butler. The tale of a young African-American woman in a post-apocalyptic future who must lead a rag-tag band of survivors to a Utopia that exists only in her mind. An amazing novel and impossible to put down.

15. Rendevous with Rama, Arthur C. Clarke. Astronauts go to meet a UFO, which behaves in a truly inexplicable, alien fashion. There are absolutely no villains in the novel, which is unheard of in a science fiction novel.

fantasy, review, literature, books, science fiction

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