Vote for top 10 science fiction/fantasy titles

Aug 04, 2011 11:28

This list was hard for me. I began by creating what turned out to be a list of the 52 best titles, and then narrowed it down to 10. I'm still kicking myself about some of the titles I left off. So here is my list of the top 20 titles from NPR's original survey, in alphabetical order. I feel much better with my list of 20 than I did with my list of 10:

1. Crystal Cave
2. Doomsday Book
3. Dune series
4. Ender's Game
5. Fahrenheit 451
6. Frankenstein
7. Gate to Women's Country
8. Handmaid's Tale
9. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
10. I am Legend
11. I, Robot
12. Martian Chronicles
13. Mists of Avalon
14. Parable of the Sower
15. Rendevous with Rama
16. Sandman series
17. Shattered Chain Trilogy
18. Snow Queen
19. The Stand
20. Watership Down

fantasy, literature, books, science fiction

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