Who would you...(stolen from zsof)

Dec 13, 2010 00:31

..If you reply to this I'll give you three characters. Then you post to your LJ and label which one you would spend an evening with, marry, or shove off a cliff.

The names I was given: Legolas, Commander Ryker, Dr. House.

As a pacifist, I do not condone shoving anyone off a cliff. However, if anyone is clever enough to survive it, it would be Dr. House. So he gets that slot.

From these three, I would choose to spend the night with Legolas. As a fan girl, I doubt I'd turn any elf down. ;-)

And while I think he's the most boring character in the Star Trek franchise, Commander Ryker is far and away the best marriage material. He's honest, honorable, employed, respects women, and gets to travel to interesting places.

fantasy, meme

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