request for computer help

Mar 26, 2010 13:45

Is anyone willing to come to Kent to help me? I would be happy to offer a scenic tour of the city in return, and of course crash space to those coming from outside NE Ohio.

I have an ancient version of Debian Linux, and I'm very much an
end-user when it comes to computers. For a variety of reasons, I
really need to upgrade, but don't know how to do it. I'd like to
switch to either a more user-friendly version of Linux (Maybe Red Hat,
Fedora or Mint? or Ubuntu) or switch to Windows so I can be self-sufficient.

My number 1 issue: I have thousands of pages on Open Office and Word
Perfect that I need to save.(At this point I'm willing to give up on Word Perfect.) So first I'd need to be shown how to
back them up and transfer them. (I have tried, and failed, to do this on my own. It has occurred to me to send each and every file on my home computer to my work computer as an e-mail attachment, and then get a new computer and send them back the same way, but I suspect there is a more efficient manner.)

My number 2 issue: My printer is so old Canon no longer makes printer
cartridges for it. I need to get a new printer, but wasn't sure if
the ancient version of Debian Linux would be able to read a modern
printer. (Actually, according to the people at Office Max, it can't.)

Other issues/wish list: These aren't important, but are things I'd
like to be able to do and can't right now:

-receive/read rtf files
-watch YouTube
-Get US international keyboard
- upgrade my web browser (it's currently an older version of Firefox -
I'm not sure if my operating system could handle a newer version; I've tried on my own upgrading from Firefox 1.1 to the current version, but failed)
-Get a newer version of OpenOffice (but still save all the documents I
have there); preferably with working spellcheck (again, I'm not sure
if my operating system could handle a newer version)

Edit I can't use Google Docs with debian linux. Back to square one.

Thank you to anyone willing to help.

computer, help

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