Mabon musings

Sep 22, 2009 18:44

Five Things for which I am grateful

1. My solid oaken wood futon, which someone left out by the dumpster this weekend at my apartment complex; my apartment managers who were willing to help me carry it into my apartment; my creative and intelligent mind, with which I was able to repair the futon; the wooden noter I was given for my dulcimer last OVFF, which I used to fix the futon (I am still playing the dulcimer - I just don't use the noter); and my old metal futon, which is now a couch in my living room.

2. Having my own place.

3. Having two part time jobs in this economy.

4. Being able to receive health insurance through COBRA, and having reduced payments because of Obama's American REcovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

5. Having passed all of my recent cancer screenings with flying colors.

holiday, pagan

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