Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Jul 18, 2009 23:11

Best of the Harry Potter movies.

Hermione was great. Ron was great (and not just comic relief.) Harry was great, with a darker and more manipulative take on his character. Draco rocked. Snape, as always, was great. Luna was great (Harry should have ended up with her.) Slughorn was great. Bellatrix was great. I really like McGonnagle (sp?).

I loved the soap opera elements (the look on Snape's, Slughorn's, and Dumbledore's faces when Hermione and Lavender broke out into a catfight in the middle of an attempted murder investigation; Ron and Lavender, looking for a place to make out, stumbling upon Harry comforting Hermione over Ron.) It was a nice counterpoint to the very real danger facing the wizarding world, and the students of Hogwarts in particular.

There was no gratuitous magic in this movie. The special effects served the plot and not the other way around. The island of Gollums was downright scary.

My only complaint is that Moaning Myrtle didn't appear. Draco's friendship with her was my favorite part of the novel and the biggest shock for me. However, I understand why that got cut; it didn't really affect the plot.

On the other hand, it was disconcerting to see splinky13's youngest son as Tom Riddle.

movies, fantasy, review

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