Dec 25, 2007 21:44
Merry Christmas to us all! I hope all was well and families behaved themselves. Mine did - to a degree, I guess. I am grateful for all that was given to me and all that I worked hard for.
Speaking of work, I can't recall a time when I felt so tired from working and so achy from the cold. My body has been showing telltale signs of a man who is about to enter his thirty-first year of life (thirtieth birthday for those of you who are paying attention), and that has been a little bit frightening - I won't lie to you. My hands are so sore lately; between work, art, typing, chores...they just ache.
I think that I need to make a resolution this year to strengthen my body, my mind, and my soul. Big dreams begin with some small steps, and my feet are on the ground...