Dec 14, 2009 20:12
I posted an add earlier this morning saying I needed a place to live asap. I've gotten so many responses. I am going to look at one place tomorrow that is located above the pawn shop. It's a 2 bedroom and from what I understand the girl moved out and her bf still lives there so i'd be living with him, but i wont have to pay a security deposit or a pet fee and its $350 a month.
the next one is a block away from campus and i'd be living with a guy and a girl and they have a german shepherd and are all pet friendly. she says they are fun people and rent there is 320 a month plus utilities. there are a few other housing options but those 2 are the best so far. Both places i'd be able to move into asap. so i'm super excited about this.
so now i get to spend all day tomorrow packing and get ready for my move. i really dont think this could have come at a better time. as this year ends so does a chapter in my life. and as the year begins a new chapter will open. i'm ready to reinvent myself yet again. i'm so thankful to have amazing friends in my life. with all of your help i've been able to get through this with flying colours.
Im just so ready to get out of this house. I'm done with being depressed over this and its done horrible things to my body. im done crying over this, im ready to move on and hold my head up high. baby steps, one foot in front of the other. i've been through worse things than this.
culpeper friends; i'll be in culpeper on the 20th. i havent decided when i am going to leave probably after new years. so i definitely want to hang out with all of you.
finally, this will be my only public entry, i know a lot of people are probably lurking this thing so hopefully you'll find this to suit your needs.
p.s. a wise friend gave me this quote the other day for something to think about "go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined. As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler." - Henry David Thoreau (thanks steve)