Apr 27, 2006 23:01
we had a discussion in class that made me absoulutely sick to my stomach. Exxon Mobil the worlds largest oil company had recently released it's earnings for this year and they showed that there profit thats right PROFIT had increased by 20%!!!! WTF!!! how is it that these companies can make all this extra money when we the consumers suffer on gas prices. it is obvious to me that the recent skyrocketing of gas prices clearly reflects this profit value.
but wait it gets better... it is a pretty well known fact that our government has been giving money to these oil companies in substatial qualities for the research of more economic fuels. this shows that are gov. is trying to help us right? well i believe that as much as i would believe a chicken explaining theories on quantam physics. also i must mention that are dear dickhead in office is giving tax breaks to these huge corporations. don't get me started.
oh shit theres more.... The president of Exxon-MObil had also recently announced his retirement. also the numbers were shared for his pension. he is giving himself 400 million dollars!!!!!!!!!! it sounds like that is our tax money at work there. WTF!!! while the world suffers due to these ridiculous gas prices this asshole has the balls to announce that he will be retiring on more money than any of the people who keep this country going will ever see.
my facts may be a little off, but the message remains the same. if any1 can put the facts straight i would like them to distribute this to as many people as you know.
i say we can do something about this injustice and that is simply to boycott the major oil companies especially exxon-mobil. i am asking every american who works for a living to please make a stand. just buy your fuel from the smaller companies, if this happens on a grand enough scale then it will force the prices to fall. don't just quietly boycott the companies make every effort to publicly denounce these money mongering corporations.
as americans we must make the stand and show that we will not allow this mistreatment to continue.