Hello. My name is Nonsanity, and I'm a Brony.
Okay, I have a bit of an excuse since I have an eight-year-old daughter, but wether I'd need that excuse or not... The world will never know.
Anyway, I'm writing my first piece of fanfic for her and could use some feedback on this first chapter (of a planned five).
I also could use suggestions for a cover art picture, as this is standard practice on fimfiction.com and other fan story sites. Something from ponibooru or posted on EquestriaDaily.com that might go good with the story.
It was just such a picture that gave me the inspiration for the story, but as it represents the final line of text I'll write, I don't want to use it as the cover and tip my hand. :)
Anyway, for all that feel up to reading some My Little Pony fan fiction, here's the link:
http://nonsanity.com/stories/dashsbigbadblow/ Though make sure you've seen the show first. Season 1 is on Netflix and 1 and 2 are on YouTube. And you should at least see the beginning two-parter before attempting to dive into fan fiction - just so you know the characters. [I cannot be held responsible if you get hooked.]