
Feb 06, 2006 01:06

i should sleep. but that's always the case.

not that i really care about the superbowl, but it was still a bit disappointing to see seattle lose. especially since it ended up turning on a couple of controversial calls. not how you want a game's outcome to be determined. but oh well.

my labmate's daughter was tired when i picked up all three of them at the airport today. she had several long days in a row, so it's no real surprise. she did let go over her mommy long enough to grab my finger briefly, though, so she wasn't being unfriendly. her hands are so small! (she is only 17 mos.) fussing set in pretty much the instant she hit the car seat, but ended no more than 2 minutes later when she fell asleep -- and remained that way for the rest of the ride home.

several things to work on for research now. unfortunately i seem to have things come up often. meetings and such. and i don't always do context switches as quickly as i should. sigh. but i'm in pretty good spirits about things anyway so it's ok :)
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