The Locust will be playing an early show at Berbati's Pan on September 3rd, with Cattle Decapitation and Get Hustle. It'll be an all ages show, which is new for Berbati's.
The website describes the music off of their most recent full-length thusly:
This record crams twenty three songs into just around the same amount of minutes - piling unpredictable, split-second changes, blasts of two second-long space-riffs, and lupine screams onto spazzed-out keyboards that sounds totally inhumane and strangely organic. It's nervy and sinuous and, above all else, uncomfortably apocalyptic - which makes sense now, considering the temper of the times when it was recorded.
People, they have a full moog setup. If you want truly experimental music, music that adheres to no contemporary or classical form, this shit is for you. They opened for
Fantomas back in April, and they were the loudest most abrasive thing i have ever heard in my life. But so, so tight and right on the money. The Berbati's show will be $10-13 bucks, so it's a good deal.