Nov 30, 2007 00:00
Its really funny how all my "crasses" have the same FIRST name. Its quite coincidental that its like that.
After NOT giving much thought into it, i thought that maybe this was a sign that I'd end up with someone with that name.
And in time it lead me, to the thought of introduction and getting to know these "crasses." And after a lot of thought with this type of culture, the only way you could escape with introducing yourself and not looking like a dork, is when it came to PARTEHS and BARS. I mean its quite normal to see some cute girl dancing or walking along the dance floor and you would just go up to em, in your own unique style of course and go introduce yourself. If you get to meet the girl, hey you're a modern day smooth talker, if you don't too bad try again next time. In ways movies tend to show us how its done, but then it gets old.
In recent times, one would feel a cold chill from a girls stare, when for example, you approach her during those "recess breaks" and introduce yourself, even if it were in a unique way. The way she's answer would vary from "great, i could care less" to "ok, your a loser" to simply leaving you behind looking like the desperate desperate moron that you are. Thinking of a more creative way then might lead to the same result of NO SUCCESS. As an example : a guy were to try and be creative with the help of his friends, if for one the girl you are trying to get to know doesn't know your friend well, you'd just get the "OH MY GOD! STALKER!" stare and thought and feel so awkward you'd never want to show your pitiful loser of an ass anywhere near the place.
And there is this nothing special style that works wonders. since you've been eyeballing her for the longest time, you'd some how, being the sorry ass that you are, know somethings and some people that are connected to her. With that knowledge, you must find a connection to these people, and try to learn more about her. Then the hard part begins, to get the courage and confidence to be comfortable with yourself and ask a friend to introduce you. Although its quite a desperate act, its seldom fails and usually give out great results. In a way, you get to know the person you want to know but then your dignity being the BIG FAT USER that you are, goes down in smoke. But then again you get the girl. But i hope your conscience, IF YOU HAVE ANY after that don't bother you at all.
Another way maybe is to find a certain way where in you get yourself with the person to get to the exact same place and wait for absolutely nothing to happen. After a long heated wait for nothingness, and if you feel that no one is watching you get turned down or humiliated, thats the time you say "hi, nice weather were having to wait for absolutely nothing huh?" usually you'd just get a cold shrug, since its what you really deserve for that pathetic attempt, but sometimes, when all the stars are aligned you get lucky and you get a small conversation that can lead you to saying "hi" every once in a while, You lucky dog you.
For some reason, its so hard to get yourself introduced to people you have a "CrasS" or you like. Sometimes, you put in some effort to collect yourself and try to get enough confidence to just let all out and get the humiliation done with. Sometimes, you just go the easy way out, and ask people to introduce you, if theres no connection well "BOO-HOO" poor you. Sometimes you just go with the flow, go "carpe diem" on your ass and just do it on when the time is right.
But for some reason, you always always always pray that something happens that your sorry ass would be noticed, your sorry ass would be given an opportunity to be seen, by those that you want to see it and say, "hey, how you doin?" and just sparks fly. And then after being given that second look, you finally finally get to be seen for who you are, a dork, no, a funny-caring-dork thats worth that second glance.
opportunity? then what? Carpe diem? then what? its a sick cycle of introduction troubles.
You then tell yourself, culture is funny, its so hard for guys to introduce themselves, cause girls would find it awkward, while girls find it hard cause they don't want to look all "flirty." Well if thats the case, why don't we all live in convents that way, theres no awkwardness and "flirtiness" just plain and simple silence and "self-sacrifice." I mean think about it maybe this was all GOD's plan.
Hitch! save all of us from CONVENT life!