I can't wait until fucking rickrolling goes the way of dancing hamster pages

Apr 22, 2008 12:58

I haven't yet figured out how to implement an internet blanket party, but I do know the blanket itself will be fashioned out of the skinned hides of lolz cats.

RickRolling Fatigue Sets In; Astley, RCA Still Feeling the Bump

By now, most have been successfully rickrolled into a video of Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up," an 80s classic. Posing as a more serious link, the disguised rickroll shuttles the user into the campy video. That's been going on since last year, though the practice reached a fever pitch on April Fool's when YouTube linked its entire front page to the video.

And millions - as many as 18 million - have been tapped by the prank this month alone, at least according to an estimate floated by SurveyUSA. For Astley, the development has been a bizarre one, though the singer is not complaining.

And label Sony BMG has been quite willing to license and promote the rickrolling behavior. The label started pushing a "Never Gonna Give You Up" ringtone, and download sales suddenly started booming. Other repackaged releases appear in the works, and this song has legs yet.

But when does the rickroll lose its luster? Users may be getting fatigued by the practice, making rickrolling an aging prank. Still, the mainstreamed rickroll has already been translated into the real world, often in high-profile ways, and many are still jumping into the fun. And the rickroll could soon spread to other lost classics, making Astley an unlikely internet pioneer.

Permalink: http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/stories/042108rickrolling
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