Title: Shy ~PART 2 PREVIEW
Author: NonoxChan
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Language
Pairings: ...wait and see.
Disclaimer: I do not own anything but this storyline I guess >w<
Summary: This one could be a shocker, I guess as there's more than one person chasing and more is revealed about Miku's past.
Note: I won't make a preview for every chapter. This chapter has one because It could be a while before this is complete and posted as I am revising for exams and I'm also mega mega busy so please be patient, guys :) Thanks.
"Dammit!" I squealed, rolling at lightning speed out of my comfy little bed, "Shit, shit, shit! I'm SO late!" My alarm clock had failed me. I was pretty sure I had set it for 8am that night, or did I forget? Whatever, it didn't matter now as I was too late to care.
I brushed my teeth quickly for about thirty seconds, spat. Had a pee and marched hurriedly back to my room to get myself dressed.
The smell of burnt toast filled my nose as I was putting my jacket on, "Huh? Who's there?" I shouted, stupidly expecting a reply as I darted to the front door to collect my new shoes. The smell got stonger. "Oi!" I called, "Is there someone here?"
"Takuya! You over-slept!" Someone called out from the kitchen. Oh yes. I would recognise that voice anywhere.
I wobbled into the kitchen, knowing full well who the deep voice belonged to, I guess I was happy he was here but how on earth did he get into my house.
"Yuuki!" I called as I walked through the door, "How did you get in?"
"Hey Takuya!" He was grinning over-enthusiastically and waving his hands in front of me. "I made you breakfast!" He handed me a plate of charcoal-colored toast, "Oh sorry, did you want butter on that?"I stared at him with an irritated expression, "No, Yuuki. I do not want your stupid toast, I want to know how the hell you got into my house when the door was obviously LOCKED!"He was still grinning.
"You're mom let me in!"