Huh. Hello there, little SV fandom slashjournal that I haven't updated in over a year.
What to say? The world went boom. I had my own private meteor shower, you could call it. Life, when reassembled, took me in other directions. (For instance, I no longer change diapers - he's done, thank God - and I did finally manage to quit smoking.)
I got custody of the Smallville DVDs. Which is to say I took them without asking because, as Lexy as ever, I take what I believe I am entitled to and consequences be damned. They sit on a shelf directly to the right of my television and I occasionally say, "We should watch Smallville."
My new Him, who looks more like Clark than any Lex fanatic ever could have dreamed (or deserved), always answers, "Anytime."
Maybe. Maybe.
In the meantime ... there is one WIP still sitting in my Google Docs. Still sometimes tugging on my imagination.
Maybe. We'll see.
But today, what brought me back was less halfhearted maybes than wholehearted gratitude. Somebody thought me worthy of an
sv-fca nomination. I am beyond touched.
The category is "best medium length - slash" and the story is
This was always one of my proudest works - so to my unknown friend, thank you.
To all of you, fandom in general - I miss you.
Stay slashy,