Pairing: Clex
Genre: Romance, Humor
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 100
Summary: Lex gives Clark what he wants.
A/N: written for the
clexmas True Love Fest prompt: intoxication.
“I taste a liquor never brewed,” Lex quoted, his eyes bright with scotch and sin, “from tankards scooped in pearl …”
“Oh, god,” Clark choked as feather-light kisses trailed along his thighs. “Are you going to recite poetry or are you going to …”
“Both.” Lex’s evil was inexorable. “It’s a compliment to you, you know; not all the vats upon the Rhine yield such an alcohol!”
His tongue flicked; Clark groaned. “Lex …”
“Mmm ... Say my name like that again.”
Clark complied. “Lex …”
Lex shivered, defeated. “You beat traditional intoxication any day. Tell me what you want.”
“Lex … more …”
“More … Dickinson.”