May 15, 2005 21:10
High school tennis has been crazy this year with successes!!
1. Girls Tennis team became the first county championship team in reservoir history
2. In the county tournament, I WON girls singles.
3. In the county tournament, Angela and Monica WON girls doubles (without any of my coaching, i'm so proud).
4. In the county tournament, Meredith got 3rd in girls singles.
5. Overall in the county tournament, Reservoir got 2nd place (last year we were 3rd to last)
6. I made All-Met (meaning out of every single area that the washington post branches out to, i am one of 6 of their top girl tennis players)
Its been a sweet season, and regionals and states are yet to come.
Oh man i'm missing so much school and my senior exams (need to reschedule those), its crazy:
Wednesday- leave at 9:40 for a 10:40am Photo shoot for washington post at rfk stadium
Friday- 12pm Regionals at Druid Park in baltimore city
Monday- English HSA
Tuesday- Gov't HSA
Wednesday- leave school at 10:30 for Washington Post Banquet (spelling?)
Not to mention whenever states are!!
Oh well thats my hectic yet exciting schedule as of late. tata.