6th July 2009 : AP Tea Party with Maki & Asuka "review" \(^___^)/

Jul 07, 2009 23:20

It was just wonderful *___* and I will never forget this special day thus I wanted to share my happiness with you girls ! XD

First : sorry if my hair was messy but I was late ;___; thus I did not have enough time to grab all my accessories (my arms are in nude lol!) and I've even forgotten the detachable collar of my blouse u____u"

The Tea Party's schedule :
* we wait in front of Boddywood, then we get a badge with our name with a number in the back that we used later during the lottery !
* we talk & talk & talk & talk under the sun !

* we enter the "Petit Keller" : the setting was just wonderful *__* it was a bit crowded through

* Maki and Asuka introduced themselves in French

* they show us the cake before serving it

* we eat a lot of sweet : cupcakes, lollipops, sweetmeats ; we drink candyfloss and macaroon sirup, tea ; and something really surprizing : we talk and talk and talk  XD

* lottery (I've won the 4th prize o__O even if I've never won anything in my life in this kind of event ! (cf Baby TP)

*  we play jankenpon with Maki and Asuka : it was also my first time playing this king of game and I've won one of the three Maki's drawing *__* she dedicated it and wrote my name ! (*___*)/    * in a daze*

Me astonished with a stupid face : "For real I've won o___O"

* we sing "Happy Birthday" song to Asuka and throw a lot a lot a lot of confetti (in the food also o__O) XD
Maki and Asuka were pretty moved : they did cried *o*

* we go out one by one and receive a little bag with a few presents and above all a warm embrace from Maki & Asuka <3
* we take a lot of pictures for japanese newspapers or magazines like KERA
* we go back to Boddywood and go to the second floor to see the AP corner, pictures with Maki&Asuka

* we talk again and take pictures for fun !

Magical Tea Party ! I'll definitely go next year again ^___^

After the Tea Party :
- I've gone with few friends to Baby
- Macdonald coz it's "so loli", more seriously : some of them were hungry o____O (after all these cupcakes x__X)

- we go to japanese restaurant together

Ouffff, I was really happy but tired when I reached my bed XD

angelic pretty

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