Jun 13, 2004 14:23
Jimminy its been a while, hasnt it. Many many moons. Much has happened...Time to update.
Well first things first...ITS SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sooo fuckin excited. It's been a doozy of a time so far. Rather enjoyable. A lot of sun...and a lot of drinking...and starting tomorrow, a lot of work. Oh! I almost forgot...I work at Gerrish now. The training was hell. I'm not gunna lie. It was 24 hours of intense heat and intense fucking bithyness from the supervisors who ran it. Thats the only thing I'm questioning about my job there...that I have to deal with supervisors like Heather (BIGGEST FUCKING BITCH YOU WILL EVER MEET) and Dave, the power-tripping asshole. Heather has something against me I think, which is not unusual, many people have predisposed bad opinions of me. She just goes out of her way to be a fucking bitch to me though. I think she's probably either jealous, or intimidated by me. I dont see any other reason why she would be so mean without me doing anything to her. I've been nothing but nice. Some would even go so far as to say I've been kissing her ass. Well, to me, just doing what she says is kissing her ass. I dont like being bossed around, or even told what to do for that matter. It pisses me off. I really dont see a reason to be these peoples bitches. So when I follow her orders, I consider that conceding to her wishes, therefore, kissing her ass. I dont go out of my way, by any means, to be a suck up. I think she should be happy with me just shutting up and doing what I'm told. I'm there to work for the company, not be the supervisor's goddamn servant. She thinks shes the funniest thing to hit the earth in the last thousand years or so too. She laughs at her own jokes, finding them rather hilarious indeed when in fact her lack of a sense of humor is really just down right sickening. I really dont understand how someone could be that humorless. Perhaps its because she's amazingly stupid. She talks like a fuckin 12 year old at Wilson middle school. Her grammar is so shitty its hard to say if she's had any schooling at all. And she talks like a fucking valley girl on top of it!!! AND she speaks like she should have some sort of authority over the rest of us!!!!!! CAN YOU BELEIVE THAT SHIT?! She's only been there a year. Most of the lifeguards have been there longer than that. She only got that position because she's engaged to Kelly's right hand man Travis. He's gone now cuz hes in the army, but he pretty much ran the club before he left. Without him, Kelly would have been screwed. Well enough about Heather. Let's move on to Dave, shall we?
Dave is you're basic post adolescent punk. Lo and behold I found out during training that he also went to La Salle. A stunning breed we are, us Lasallians. Stunning indeed. To sum him up in a couple short words, I'd have to say arrogant ego-tripping screwball. Oh, add fuckface in there too. Just for shits and giggles. He's the kind of guy that will splash you in the face, fuckin around, and then when you splash him back, lets just say twice as hard...because thats most peoples natural reaction, he gets all high and mighty and asks what the hell you think you're doing splashing a supervisor. Well excuse me douchebag. You can dish it out but you're obviously a little too important to take it. I'm surprised he even graces us with his presence on the common day. He really should consider only making his precious debut on special occasions. That way we could have something to look forward to. I'd even start a countdown!! Ohh what fun!
Now you see what I have to deal with on the average work day. Never mind Kelly. She's probably worse than both Heather and Dave, three times over. Times a thousand. Who's idea was this again...? Fuckin hell.
I'm also working at HT&R again, and gunna do personal swim lessons for the little shits at Jill's school. So that should be fun. Fun indeed. They best not drown on my time. That would be RATHER upsetting. Anywho, by the end of the summer I shall have made BANK and big Bruce said that i can get a phone after the first week of work. He just wants to see "a foundation set up for the payment" and after that, he's good to go. Glad to hear it Brucey, glad to hear it. Alright well i must go shop for new work clothes now, seeing as i have absolutely no shirts suitable for a professional environment. Unless they dont mind a little nipple here and there. Lol eeww grody old bald men....time to purchase some turtlenecks. Adieu!