last week!

Feb 04, 2009 20:27

Tomorrow begins my last week at work. Whoa!

It's been an eventful couple of days, trying to get ready to leave. I got a root canal yesterday, which was not the most painless experience. It wasn't the actual root canal part, it was the way they had to stretch my mouth open with a dental dam for the hour that it took, because the affected tooth was the molar all the way in the back, next to the wisdom tooth. There wasn't anything they could do to make it more comfortable, so I just tried to tap into my inner masochist and accept the discomfort. By the end I was getting cold and clammy from the pain, and started shivering.

After my last day at work on Monday, it's packing, packing, packing, and then I move whatever I can fit into my car on Friday the 13th and head up to Portland. I am sooo excited! I come back at the end of the month to move my furniture with my dad's help and a U-haul.

Nena got her coggins and health certificate, and will get the rest of her spring shots and a dental float next week, and with any luck she will ship up the day before I move. I'm really looking forward to the new barn I picked out--there is an indoor lighted arena, trails, and LOTS of other boarders who actually ride their horses! It'll be SO nice to be at an active boarding barn again, with people to ride with. Apparently they do lots of trail rides, camping, etc. It'll be really fun during the summertime. I'll probably lower my board bill by taking over stall cleaning, which give me an excuse to get out there every day. I also plan to finish Banjo's utility training, as I'll have Randall around to train with.

I also had a positive phone interview for the Honors College at PSU. The professor said that I "write like an angel" and that he would recommend me. So, it's likely a go.

Banjo is still having digestive issues. He tested positive for giardia last month, got the standard treatment of 3 days of panacur, which seemed to do the trick, but a week a later he got diarrhea again. Whether the panacur failed to kill all the giardia or he got re-infected is unknown. The vet gave him 10 days of metronidazole (Flagyl), which helped but did not totally normalize him. So he got second 10 day round of Flagyl. I then started adding Forco (probiotics and prebiotics) to replace the "good" bacteria in his tummy which the flagyl (an antibiotic) was probably killing. It helped a little, but he's still not normal. My next plan is to continue to Forco after he finishes the Flagyl tomorrow, and then start him on a second round of Panacur, this time for 5 days. I'll start it three days before I move, so that it finishes after we get to Portland. The dogs in my kennel at work have been battling a strain of giardia that is apparently extremely resistant to standard treatment. We've had dogs get panacur several times, then Flagyl, then Drontal before they finally get rid of the giardia. I'm assuming that's what I've brought home to Banjo... I'm hoping after I give him a break from the Flagyl, that I can knock it out with the 5 days of Panacur (which I've seen the vets prescribe at work for the dogs who aren't cured by the standard 3 day treatment).

Yay, giardia!! Thank goodness, Marla and Sparky have shown no symptoms. Or me.

Need to find a home for my guinea pigs :( I wont be able to bring them with me to Portland. They just went to the vet and got a clean bill of health and a nail trim.

Bedtime soon, the vicodin should kick in soon. My tooth/jaw is still sore...
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