Jan 30, 2009 16:22

Read the rules before applying.

Application form:
1. Reserves are kinda pointless since there's no character snagging, but you can reserve anyway if it makes you feel better.
2. When/if accepted, you have one week past acceptance to respond to the acceptance comment with your character's journal.
3. Go to the Add List and follow the instructions ( Read more... )

applications, information

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James Augusto - Part 1 ulxsinnermind February 22 2009, 17:14:26 UTC
Out-of-Character Information
Name: UltimateLegendaryX (ULX)
Are you over 16: Yes’em
LJ username: ulxsinnermind
Time Zone: -5 GMT
AIM: lxacon
Anything Else?: I…did not have relations, with that intern! *holds hands out and squints eyes*

In-Character Information
Image if available HAHAHAHA-No
Name: James “Jamie” Augusto
Age: 20
Species: Human, Male
Occupation: Part-time worker at a grocery store
Living Arrangements: Lives in a loft style apartment, two levels with an incredible scenery. Has a roommate (either NPC or player, either or really).
Newcomer or Returnee?: Newcomer

Personality: Jamie is a very silly individual. He tends to look at women in “certain” areas in a very demeaning manner, a failing romantic always saying the wrong things to women and using very cheesy one liners. He is also a very absent minded individual and tends to wonder off at times when he’s extremely bored. He likes to make people laugh even at the cost of his own ego and misfortune and loves to see people smile and laugh. Very laid back and sometimes lazy with work, but he does it when it needs to be done or else he’ll get nothing for it. Anyone he doesn’t like he tends to bottle it up or mutter to himself about it. He tends to be a coward when a fight comes around, and will be silly or scream like a banshee and run around all paranoid. Unless it’s someone he cares about and who needs protecting, then he’ll suck it and go in there, still scared, but doing anything he can to protect them. He’s brave but in a cowardly way. He also hates his job and complains about stupid customers that come to his job.


James Augusto - Part 2 ulxsinnermind February 22 2009, 17:15:12 UTC
Backstory: Jamie grew up in Soltana, more specifically a small little town called Heilos Atarium. Jamie wasn’t much in his town and his only future in his life was to be a pathetic bag boy at the grocery store, which was the biggest hot spot in the town. He lived his life watching animes and playing video games down in his basement and mastering a few techniques from it…well okay, just two techniques…and they both aren’t that really good, they’re actually pretty horrible and if it was powerful enough it could kill him. But Jamie however had bigger intentions and wanted to leave the town in order to make a name for himself. So he left the small town, with the shirt on his back and suitcase full of clothes and stuff. Oh and a bank card with $20,000 in it and a gift card from J.C Penny (Yea, I don’t know either). So he went off in search of new places, meeting people along the way, getting beaten up for saying the wrong things, and ending up crashing at trucking stops

However one day he found a well in a passing town, it was old and all broken and stuff. So he went near and peered into the hole to see how far it went. He then dropped a penny in and wished to be some place where he could make a name for himself. Unfortunately a passing goat came by and shoved Jamie into the well as he yelled and screamed all the way down, till he blacked out. When Jamie awoke he found himself in Non Nom, more specifically in a bird bath in the park of Non Nom. Jamie had no idea where he was or how he’d get back home, but he knew he wasn’t in Soltana anymore. He walked around the streets of the town and managed to get a few things altered from his wallet to match Non Nom’s standards, mainly his cell phone and his money. He managed to find a cozy loft apartment with a great view and an affordable rent and applied to many places in the city. Unfortunately, they all rejected him cause he was an outsider, so he was forced to work at a grocery store for minimum wage. Despite his adventure coming to this city he still managed to find the job he always dreaded. He loathes his job, but as long as he’s still getting paid and no other jobs want him, then he’ll work there till he dies if he has to.

Misc. Notes:

1. Appearance of Jamie: Short black hair, green eyes, average build and normally wears: A baggy T-shirt (Summer) or a hoodie (Winter), jeans, running shoes, a jean jacket (spring/fall) or a winter jacket (Summer), a silver watch on his left wrist, and a silver ring on his left hand.

2. Jamie knows two techniques he learned from Anime:

- The “Kagin Combus no Jutsu” which is basically a power that allows his to use a ninja art that spontaneously makes his head burst into flames for a few minutes, unless someone puts water on his head. Doesn’t burn his hair off, but it does burn his skin…and can make for an awesome fire.

- The mystical art of the blood cure, which is basically a technique where he can heal people but cripples his health at the same time: useful, but not really.

3. Jamie has no weapon and will leave you in combat if you don’t need the help. He’s a coward like that.

4. Jamie also speaks Portuguese, so…if he talks in another language it’s probably to insult people for being stupid.


James Augusto - Part 3 ulxsinnermind February 22 2009, 17:18:18 UTC
In-Character Example Post:


Okay, I think honestly most people in this world have two things wrong with them. One they’re insane or two they’re stupid as all hell! Do they not understand the meaning of a shopping cart goes with other shopping carts…not in the parking lot!

Whatever, work sucked, but what can you do, it’s work, everyone hates their job. Ever since I came to this city, via a dumbass goat who needed to learn some damn manners, nothing seems to be going my way. True I have a nice apartment I share with someone, but I mean I applied to so many places. I mean I wanted to make a name for myself, maybe I should be a comedian.

What’s the deal with French toast!?

Nah, that’ll never fly, I mean seriously what kind of comedian starts a joke with the words, “What’s the deal…” It’s stupid, and people who laugh at it are stupid too!

…oh well, time to watch some T.V!

Lastly, Provide a cat macro as part of the initiation process:


(The comment has been removed)

Re: James Augusto - Part 3 rubbishing March 2 2009, 05:04:40 UTC
Sorry. I had to wipe a kitchen's ass! D:


Re: James Augusto - Part 3 soltanazero March 2 2009, 15:36:08 UTC
Don't worry, I know how that goes, it's cool :D


Re: James Augusto - Part 3 rubbishing March 2 2009, 05:04:04 UTC
You poor, misfortunate supermarket sweeper!

Second approval. Respond with your character's journal, and the following link should take you to the necessities:


Re: James Augusto - Part 3 soltanazero March 2 2009, 15:36:49 UTC
No icons, cause new character still has the new char smell.

(You see what I did there :3)


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