Pretty tired today...

Feb 11, 2019 11:07

We were up late watching Russian Doll last night.

We also got up and Zak took me out to get my nails and hair done.
Then we went to lunch at a tea salon with my brother.
Then it snowed so much.
And we went and got dressed up and took pictures in the snow.
And then we came home and ate pizza and ice cream cake.
Zak also got me a pretty dress as a gift.

I felt bad, because I felt like I didn't do nearly as much for his birthday. But he kept reminding me he specifically wanted to have a chill birthday.

I've been having a rough year, and he wanted to make the day really special for me.

Yet despite all this, I've been pretty depressed. I found myself crying yesterday...

So, I think I really need to double down on my efforts.

Everything feels weird and different.

So everyone else, I have issues, and I too need help and a bit of extra care.
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