
Feb 06, 2019 20:54

1. What's the story behind your LJ username?
Nonni was my childhood nickname.

2. Name five of your favourite pig-out foods
I try not to pig-out.

3. Have you ever had a make-over?
A couple times.

4. Name all mambers of the Beatles.
John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr.

5. What's the longest time you've stayed out of the country? Where?
I spent almost two months in the England and Sweden.

6. Name one thing you're grateful for today.
My cute husband.

7. What is your favourite high school memory?
1. Musical theatre class.
2. My creative writing class's trip to the writer's festival in Banff.

8. What is the most insane thing you've done to/for your crush that (s)he might not/might know about?
I guess...hiring a painter for our wedding?

9. Describe your dream wedding.
Just being happy.

10. Would you ever join Temptation Island?
I don't know what that is.

11. Name three teachers you liked in high school.
Mrs. Wiseman, my drama teacher, Mr. Hobson, my English teacher, and Mrs. Berisoff, the home-ec teacher.

12. Do you have a favourite quote? What is it?
"If you're arguing with an idiot, make sure he isn't doing the same thing."

13. How old were you when your first heartbreak happened?
I was in grade 11.

14. Which school picture did you bury in your bottom drawer?
I think the evidence may actually have been destroyed.

15. Do you have any weird preferences? What are they?
Uh...maybe a little too personal?

16. What is the one thing you will never understand about the opposite sex?
What they think women want.

17. Who is your best friend?
At the moment? Probably Dannie, Zak, and Patrick.

18. Name one TV character you'd most want to be.
None of them.

19. If you were famous, and were to be a guest on a talk show, whose show would you choose? Why?
Stephen Colbert, he seems pretty nice.

20. Give yourself a porn star name.
HA! No.

21. Do you have any weird sleep habits?
I kind of need to be hugging something to fall asleep.

22. What do you plan to do this summer?
I don't know yet. Ask Zak.

23. What's your favourite song right now?
"Bring On the Rain."

24. Write a line from any song.
"Sometimes I'd like to hide away somewhere and lock the door...a single battle lost but not the war..."

25. Do you know at least one Disney song by heart? Which one?
"Beauty and the Beast."

26. Describe your dream house.
Small, in a quiet neighbourhood, with stores within walking distance, and not too many creepy crawlies.

27. What's your typical sleep wear?
Tank-top and shorts.

28. What's in your bag?
In my purse I have my keys, a Sailor Moon keychain, a Madoka Magica keychan, my phone, and a quarter.

29. What's in your wallet?
I don't have a wallet.

30. How much money do you currently have in your wallet?

31. What's your favourite pair of shoes?
They're light mauve, corduroy high heels with ankle straps and wooden heels.

32. If you could've gone to your senior prom in a different outfit, what would it be?
A duct tape dress.

33. How was your senior prom?
It was ok.

34. Tell us about any of your birthdays.
I was in a play on my 13th birthday.

35. Would you rather be a hobbit, an elf or a dwarf?

36. What are the first five things you would splurge on if you were a billionaire?
1. My friends.
2. My brothers.
3. My parents.
4. My kitty, and another kitty.
5. A house.

37. What's your daily before-going-to-sleep ritual?
Yoga, shower, put on lotion, change clothes, read, practice gratitude, go to sleep.

38. What's the weirdest/funniest nickname you've ever been called?
Um...I guess Nonni is pretty weird.

39. Name three of your favourite cartoon characters.
Linus, Hobbes, Amalthea.

40. What are the magazines you read on a regular basis?
I don't.
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