
Feb 03, 2019 22:15

Not sure how I feel right now. I'm tired. I'm feeling silly from watching Fig go nuts with his toys. I'm not that sad. I'm not that depressed. I'm not angry...not as angry, anyway. Again, I'm...tired.

I met with my young person again today. We went to the mall, and went to a Chinese lantern decorating class, and got poutine and bubble tea. She seemed pretty excited to tell me about how she had asked her teacher and her parents to let her switch to a different math class. I was really proud of her, I know how scary those things can be for her. Heck, they're scary for me.

It was a nice afternoon. And I got to try taro bubble tea for the first time. It...didn't really taste as much like potato as I expected.

Zak and I caught up on Call the Midwife this evening. I swear, if I ever get pregnant, I might not ever watch that show. But it's really good!

We were supposed to go to dinner with Zak's mom, but it SNOWED today! She didn't feel comfortable driving in that weather, apparently it was pretty bad in her area.

I tried to get Fig interested in the snow, but he didn't want to go outside. He just watched from the window.

It's cold. Time to get under the blankets.
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