15 Days Fan Facts Meme
- Write down all shows you can think of within one minute (only shows you used to watch or still watch, of course).
- Take the first 15. If you don't have 15, take another minute.
- Do the meme for these shows; one show every day.
- Encourage your f-list to do the meme as well to find out what kind of fan they are.
- If you want, add a 16th show on the last day.
Show's name and premiere year: House M.D. (2004)
First watched (year/month): February 2008
Your first episode: 1x16… it was on when I turned on the TV.
Reason you started watching it: I caught a bit of an episode and I wanted to know how that situation turned out, and then it seemed something I would like, after all…
Like most about: House and Cuddy when they bicker, when they flirt and now more than ever, every time they kiss. House and Wilson’s friendship and their pranks.
Still watching / Watched till end?: oooooh yeah!
If answered with NO - Why?: The only reason that could make me want to stop would be the death of either Cuddy or House or Wilson... other than that, I’m gonna keep watching!
Ship(s): Huddy forever!
Favourite character(s): House, Cuddy, Wilson
How much of a fan are/were you?: So much that I was positively going to faint from happiness when huddy became canon last year. So much that I have a drawing picturing the two on them on my bedroom wall and half of the songs on my mp3 player are soundtracks of the episodes.
My addition to the memeQuote:
“Because I thought you were an interesting lunatic even then.”