Jan 09, 2012 20:53
Had my last All-You-Can-Eat wings Hooters gathering before my trip tonight, and it was fun. The Chef came and joined and, of course, had to be all caught up on the great stories which are a part of our little group's history. He later told me that he really enjoyed himself; hopefully he hangs out with them more even while I'm gone, because I know he'd enjoy an expanded social circle.
The past couple of nights I've gone home with The Chef, but wound up passing out with him before any sex could happen. Yes, it's reached that dangerous point in our friendship/relationship when sleepovers happen without sex. He understands that I'm not looking for exclusivity, though, and I understand that he's looking for a wife. In that respect, we have nothing to offer one another. On the other hand, though, the sex is fun.
I don't want to live with my mother when I get back from Europe and have three weeks to kill before starting the camp job in March. The Chef knows this, and has offered that I stay by him for the three weeks, since he's moving into his own place this week. It's an offer I might take on...three weeks is a short enough time to crash, I think.
Wade doesn't know that I'm sleeping with The Chef. He knows that I sleep with other people, but prefers not to hear about it or know who it might be. That would make me living with The Chef when I get back very...interesting.
The cuckolding friend is looking forward to my arrival at camp, which is in his state. He wants to meet up and see how we get along. I'm down for the adventure.
I'm excited about 2012. :)