Hmm...crunch time?

May 22, 2007 02:28

Well AN is definitely coming closer by the day but I dont actually feel the crunch time! HAHA! I probably will seeing as how ugh I havn't really done anything. Too much work.

I've been meaning to update more but I keep waiting for more things to happen! So... the update will suck! I now work at Zara, Hi Cindy! Cash procedures here suck major balls XD Sorry but I have not seen a company so back-dated since well ever. We use floppy disks ew.

I'm just working to pass the time quite literally right now. I'm waiting on a reply for Katimavik. The quick sum of that is a non-profit government program that sends me off to different provinces to volunteer. I've really wanted to travel for a long time and volunteer is my second nature! Now the bad news, there's about two spots available and two hundred applicants -ha ha.. I have to wait either the end of this month or until july even. Sucks. So the following year also has to wait until I get a reply and that's one thing I really dislike, not knowing. Oh well what can I do.

And that's really want I've been waiting for, for the last like year or so.
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