Oct 05, 2004 16:54
1. tell me something obvious about you. I'm intraverted.
2. tell me something about you that many don't know. I NEED to sleep with my lights on...all of them. Long, long story.
3. what is your biggest fear? War.
4. do you normally go the safe route or take the short cut? it depends, if the safe route means getting an assured "A" then that, if it means not getting trampled in central quad, who gives a shit.
5. name one thing you want that you can't buy with money. World peace.
6. what is your most treasured possession? The huge feather pillow that I was carried out of the hospital on when I was born. And my jewelry. I have several rings that are very special to me. One my sister made for my brother, herself and I. And a gold and amethyst ring my late grandmother who I never got a chance to meet left me.
7. what is the one thing you hate most about yourself that you do often? Say stupid things, or do stupid things, that perhaps people don't notice, but I do, and I wallow in my stupidity.
8. tell me something sexually about you that i don't know. I have never kissed anyone.
9. tell me something sexually about you that everyone knows. I have never done ANYTHING.
10. what is your favourite lie to tell? No mom, I didn't eat your deliciously warm crispy freshly baked specialty cookies that you meant to take to prayer meeting.
11. name something you've done once that you can't wait to do again. skinny dipping and streaking with jenny.
12. are you the jealous type? not usually, however there is one thing that I discovered sets me off like NOTHING else, my role in my sibling's life being replaced.
13. what is the one person, place or thing you can't say no to? person...Jacob or Megan, place=santa Cruz, thing= chocolate, tea, insense, smudging, fresh air, bonny doon water, good alcohol...I'm talking quality stuff...not effing bud light
14. what is the nicest thing someone has ever done for you? the one that pops into my head at the present moment is when Brittany Berg picked me up and took me to the village while I was walking barefoot to CHS and an emotional catastrophe
15. if you could do something crazy right now, what would it be? hitchhike to santa cruz...with jacob and megan, and jenny and megan and caitlin and jo andrea and aly and amy and EVERYONE
16. when was the last time you cried? well, I'm expecting to cry in 2 hours, I can feel it coming on.
17. when was the last time you felt so good that nothing else mattered? At my brother's wedding...it was beautiful
18. do you feel comfortable in public with no shirt on? Do I? well, I've never before...would I? yeah.
19. name something embarrassing you did while being drunk. Well, at my brother's wedding, I kept knocking over my pile of chips (poker chips) at the late late night poker game.
20. if you post this in your journal would you like me to answer it?yes please!