Yesterday I got another one of those emails that I typically toss out without reading it through. For some reason this one caught my attention and by the time I was done I was glad I hadn't tossed it. During the many chats, emails, postings etc that I've shared with you all we've mentioned along the way at different times how violence effects us.
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this isn't an idea you should have been ashamed or feel you wasted space by posting.
Violence is an IMPORTANT issue in today's society. And it's NOT just the kids. Think about it: Nichole's 50+ year old father calls and threatens us; her 52 year old mother threatens to kill us in front of the children. Are they crazy enough to try? SURE!! So....Betsy and I can't let the kids play out front at all, and have to play in the back yard supervised.
The girls, while teenagers, can't walk to friends' houses by themselves, and no, we're not being paranoid...their FRIENDS are not allowed to walk to our house alone, either.
Even though we live in a "decent" neighborhood, the sound of gunfire is a frequent occurance.
Crystal Meth is the number 1 choice of recreational drug in Utah, and Utah is the number 1 producer in the country. Meth labs are busted every day, and they're not run-down little shacks in the middle of nowhere..yeah, some are, but many are part of rather large and affluent homes in the state. What does that mean? Gun-toting goons in well-to-do neighborhoods.
A person can carry concealed weapons in this state, and all that's required for a permit are 2 letters of recommendation. Vice President Cheney is due to speak here (may already have) and the state decided to allow concealed weapons in the hall where he would deliver his address.
The state will ALSO be allowing concealed weapons during the 2002 winter Olympics. In the wake of the violence during the 1996 summer games in Atlanta, I believe this move is S-T-U-P-I-D. But the Salt Lake Olympic Committee voted to approve it.
Violence is no longer anything we can control, as citizens or parents. Violence is not something that is going to lessen or go away so long as personal stress in our lives increases, as it is now. Pressure to grow up, to be part of some group, to perform at our jobs, to handle kids who are under increased stress as well....hell, the list goes on, but the point is that violence is becoming an ACCEPTED and EXPECTED outlet for our negative emotions. That's the worst of the problem right there....we no longer get upset, but instead simply shake our heads at the news of violence on tv, or our friends, or our neighbors. It is only when WE are victims that we become truly concerned, and by then...who cares other than ourselves? And we deserve that for the uncaring we exhibited towards others. No, I'm not saying that specifically to any person or group, but it's a general feeling of malaise throughout the world's societies. An unfair statement? I think not.
Shoot, gotta run, eye exam coming up in an hour. See you later My Wee Tart Boy! :)
I'm sure you'll check out fine.
and yes, I AM still your wee tartboy even if I bought a fake doctorate..hehehehe
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