Sep 07, 2005 02:34
*sigh* So much in life is so complicated... I wanna fix the hurt, protect others from pain... but there isn't much I can do. Right now i can't sleep & my heart is heavy. I hate to see painful things in ANYONE's life... but the closer I am to someone the harder it is to watch them go through pain. I don't think there can be anyone much closer than family (with the exception of my future husband)... I'm not gonna go into details. All this is still too new, unknown and not official.
God... why!? I know you have a plan. I pray that plan will be continued in my life... and in the lives of my brothers. I know YOU know better than i do the path they will take... & hold them close, oh so close to your heart, God. Wrap your arms around all of them. Please.