(no subject)

Sep 02, 2005 00:45

Ok... so, i go pick up my bf (he kindly agreed to go with me) to pick up something for my roommate at the supermarket. It was like 11:30 at night, we go pick up our items and when we arrive back at the check-out counters and ALL that was open were the "do-it-your-self" check outs and the lines were like FOREVER long. That's not the weird part... the weird thing was there were like tons and tons of pregnant black women there as well as little (we're talking VERY YOUNG) children and babies... it was like "attack of the pregnant ladies". SO, we decide that it's ridiculous and go put the stuff back (we had milk and stuff that would perish so we were "good consumers" and put them back). I took Jimmy back to his house because it was getting too late and he has to get up early for work. Then i went to Walmart THINKING it would be more "normal". So, i go get all my stuff and everything and then what's in front of me in the line!??! yep... you guess it! A pregnant black lady with her like 3 or 4 year old son in the cart at the check-out with her. I look to my right and there's another pregnant lady and down the line another young child/baby with it's mother. As i was leaving the store yet another pregnant lady was exiting the store... weird... bizarre.... night...

What the heck is up with that!??! I don't EVER remember being up much later than like 10pm, MUCH LESS being out at a food store or Walmart at midnight! So, then i finally get through the lines at wally-world and i'm on the way home and all of a sudden there are like 3 cop cars blocking the high-way road i'm on... and it smells like garlic and burning things. I don't know what the heck was up tonight. But it was very weird.

& now i'm going to bed..... I love my baby... he's the bestest to me!!! :-) (thanks for coming with me tonight, baby!)

weird stuff

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