Gun Law Change Goes in Effect... People whine (big surprise)

Jul 01, 2010 11:19

Found this today:

In Virginia, the restrictions are changing as well. As of Thursday, concealed handgun permit holders will be able to legally carry their gun into bars or restaurants that serve alcohol.

"I don't agree with it. I don't agree with it," says Jack Davis, a local gun owner.

Davis is not alone. Days before the law begins, concern is spilling over.

"You come into a bar sit down and have a good time. You don't know if the man beside you has got problems, got a gun in his pocket. You don't know who's carrying, who's got 'em," says Mike Sexton, a local resident.

Sexton along with Davis are staunch supporters of the second amendment; however, they question why anyone needs a gun in a bar.

"Too much happens, there's enough problems without that," says Davis.

Under the new law, if you carry a gun into a bar (or restaurant with alcohol) you're not allowed to drink, but it's up to the customer to reveal that they're armed to the bartender/waiter.

Barry Caldwell owner of Awful Arthur's in the Towers Shopping Center is doubtful everyone will reveal they're packing. That's one reason the dress code customers are asked to follow at his eatery will become even more important.

"People wearing sports jackets, and long shirts and jersey's or whatever they wear, if we can't see their waist line then tuck your shirt in. Let's see what you got underneath there," says Caldwell.

Down on the City Market where bars are a big draw, it's unclear if police plan to have more of a presence than normal beginning Thursday. But authorities, like others, will be watching and waiting to see how this new law plays out.

"Time will tell. I can't pinpoint it at this point but time will tell," says Michael Robinson, a Roanoke resident.

If you carry a gun and drink in one of these establishments it is a class two misdemeanor. The punishment, up to six months in jail and or a $1,000 fine. (source)

I have many problems with the way this information is presented by the local NEWS outlet... but here are the major ones:

1. Virginia does not HAVE bars. Seriously. We don't. Because of the ABC laws here an establishment that serves alcohol must sell more FOOD than they do alcohol. What does this mean? That all establishments that could once be considered a "bar" are in reality as much restaurant as they are "a bar". This means that there are very few locations with a true "bar" atmosphere (at least that I have experienced).

2. Quote for context:

"You come into a bar sit down and have a good time. You don't know if the man beside you has got problems, got a gun in his pocket. You don't know who's carrying, who's got 'em," says Mike Sexton, a local resident.

All of the statements here were true 6 months ago before the law was passed. The whole POINT of conceal carry is that people around you don't know you're carrying. So, what would have stopped a person from sitting at a "bar", carrying a gun, and drinking his sorrows away yesterday before this bill went into effect? The answer? Nothing. In reality the laws as they were written were not enforceable. They depended on people being "law-abiding" and open carrying when walking into an establishment that served alcohol. At most establishments there is nothing to stop a person from just ignoring the law and doing exactly what was described above. This law doesn't change that. All it does is make conceal carry legal for law-abiding citizens even in an establishment that serves alcohol.

3. The "anti-gun" crowd has been crowing and moaning about how alcohol and guns don't mix. It's a good thing that this law is actually STRICTER on that than the previous law. The previous law made drinking allowable to a point (similar to the limit for driving). The new law makes it ILLEGAL (punishable by a class 2 misdemeanor) to drink AT ALL while carrying. Freaking morons.

4. I find it laughable that restaurant owners are discussing being able to "tell" if a person is carrying based on their "viewing" of clothing. Again, the POINT of concealing is to avoid detection that you are concealing. Short of a metal detector they're not going to know MOST of the time if someone is carrying.

5. Are you telling me the news couldn't find ONE gun owner that was in favor of this to make a statement? Seriously? I do realize the point of the article is 'concern' in the area, but to not present the other side AT ALL is ridiculous. Talk about BIAS.

6. I anticipate this to be a safer situation for many people I know who conceal carry. Those who were open carrying in restaurants were already "law abiding citizens" who chose to obey the law even though it was (in the best conditions) uncomfortable and an inconvenience and/or (in the worst conditions) dangerous. (Being around people drinking with a gun showing openly is NOT a good idea). I'm looking forward to being able to keep my gun in my purse and know where it is personally without having to advertise that I have it.

guns, article, thoughts, politics

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