I saw this on a car this morning:

Aug 25, 2011 15:36

And I wanted to ask the driver: REALLY? You would rather be torturing someone who may or may not be innocent instead of driving your car? REALLY?

Is this truly what we have become? We're okay with suffocating someone, DROWNING someone in water to possibly get "information" that may or may not be accurate (people in distress tend to say anything to make the pain/distress stop). How is this okay? How is this what Jesus would do or want us to do? And on top of it how are we okay joking and making light of such a thing?

What happened to "liberty & justice for all"? There is no justice in torture. There is no justice in using properties that we control but as a "technicality" do not fall under the constitution. There is no justice in locking people up without trial or due process or a hearing (but i digress...)

My point is quite simply this: The ends do not justify the means. We were told to "love our enemies" not to torture them until they give us the information we want.

This disgusts me. On every level. As a Christian... as a citizen of the United States. As a human being. It disgusts me.

rant, usa, politics, wwjd, pictures, wtf, controversial, bumpersticker

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