Rotten Apple...

Jun 08, 2011 16:05

Report: Apple Is Cracking Down on Free iPad, iPhone GiveawaysThinking about giving away an iPad or an iPhone to promote your company or website? Think again. Apple prohibits third-parties from handing out its mobile devices in giveaways, and although this rule has been in place since January, if not earlier, according to Fortune, the company has just begun to enforce it.

Apple's Guidelines for Third Party Promotions decree the following: "iPad, iPhone, and the iPhone Gift Card may not be used in third-party promotions; iPod touch is only allowed to be used in special circumstances and requires a minimum purchase of 250 units; you may not use the Myriad Set font on or in connection with websites, products, packaging, manuals, or promotional/advertising materials; the use of "free" as a modifier in any Apple product reference in a prominent manner (headlines, call-outs, etc.) is prohibited; you must submit all marketing materials related to the promotion of Apple products to Apple for review."

Cult of Mac has a running list of nearly 40 sites including Mashable, Geeksugar, and Mahalo that have held such promotions, but none seem to have been squashed. Until now.

It appears the Apple fanboys that just can't dole out $500 plus of their hard-earned cash for an iPad 2 have lost the chance to potentially nab an Apple product. While Fortune says Apple has started to shut down promotions, it didn't specifically cite any campaigns that have been suspended.

Apple wouldn't comment on the matter. Source
Okay. I'm not sure if I've talked about my "Apple as a company" thoughts here... or about how much Apple fan-boys (or girls) BUG me... but let me start with this: I used to hate Apple. Mostly this was because I didn't prefer their computers... and I'm competitive by nature. This was also because I've been exposed to a few too many fan boys (and a couple girls) that act like the company can do no wrong and that Apple "cares about them". That whole entire notion is ridiculous since Apple is a corporation whose sole purpose is to make money and lots of it. It's no less greedy than Microsoft or numerous other companies... (Btw: Fanboys/girls of anything tend to annoy me just on principle. To act like everything a company does is perfect or in your best interest is just stupid and ignorant. Period. But I'm heading down a rabbit trail... whoops. Okay... back to topic).

Apple. I didn't like them. Now I've adjusted my view and realized that competition in the computer marketplace is a GOOD thing and in the long run will benefit the consumer -- me (and everyone else around me). While I still don't prefer most Apple products (I seriously dislike their GUI and cannot imagine using a MAC as my main computer or laptop) I do see their value and their innovation in the electronics market. So. I no longer dislike Apple on principle.

But THIS is stupid. Just stupid... I fail to see how blocking other companies from giving away iPads & iPhones will significantly impact Apple. I fail to see how it's something that they needed to make such an aggressive policy about and why they need to try to "enforce" said policy. What is the big deal? They're still getting their $$ from the company that purchases said iPad/iPhone AND they're getting the subscription $$ when the user starts using the device and paying for apps. Apple ALSO gets to benefit from customers that they may not have had previously. A person may buy several apps on their "free iPad", but they may not have paid to buy the iPad in the first place. Apple now has a "new user" to help bring in app revenue that they wouldn't have had before. And isn't visiblity of their products a GOOD thing? It's ultimately "free advertising" for them that the iPad/iPhone is so desirable that it's being given away by X company. Seems like a win-win-win-win to me.

So here's what I think Apple: You need to get over yourself. Just because you have some pull in the market now doesn't mean you need to start making a complete ass of yourself. These types of decisions make you seem like a controlling jerk-face of a company. Seriously. Get over it.

apple, ipad, links, article, iphone

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