Feb 14, 2006 01:55
"Best" brand oatmeal, found at many corner markets in the Van Ness area, is a remarkably sustaining food source. In particular, there is a market near the intersection of Polk and Clay (I think that's the proper intersection) where you can buy 10-packs for $1.97. You can get the multi-pack or the brown sugar and cinnamon. This is much cheaper than ramen, and contains a fair amount of nutritional goodness.
As I have only $6.53 left in my bank account, I have been suriviving on this oatmeal alone for a little bit now. I was out with Ben last night, and Ben ordered some food at Burger King. I didn't want him to eat alone, so I ordered a cheap burger and fries, too. But then as we sat there an older man approached and implored, "If you have anything left over, let me know." He returned to a seat someplace and I sat and thought about it a moment. I took out my pocket knife and cut the burger I hadn't touched yet in half, sorta. I left myself the smaller half and gave the man the bigger half and my fries. He asked for food, not money, and I know what it's like to rummage through the trash for food...
In Ben's defense, should you think him heartless for not doing the same, he's very sick right now and certainly needs to keep his strength up. I've been making sure he takes vitamins every morning and leaving him a glass of water at night after turning the heat on and such... I feel so maternal. But I'm still a ninja, mind you. No aprons for me yet, unless it's one of those ones that says, "Kiss the Ninja" that you get at www.ninjaburger.com...
I have yet been unable to find gainful employment that allows me to work around my class schedule and still have time to work on my films. Currently I'm supposed to complete a music video for Hayden's "Two Doors" by... February 20th. However, to shoot it properly and not just turn in a piece of shit, I need:
- access to a hotel or motel room for approx. 2 hours
- a scene in the hotel lobby/motel check in office
- a guitar
- a car or taxi
Not to mention that just finding these things isn't the issue so much as it is finding a hotel/motel an a taxi that will allow me to shoot, hopefully for free. That and I'd have to pay to rent the room, no doubt.
How I'll pull this off with only $6.53, I'm not sure. I did find a posting on Craigslist asking for fighters, $2000 per match. I called but the number was unresponsive. The posting was from January, after all.
Another gentleman who will go unnamed has expressed interest in having me appear in what he calls "private, high art collector porn." This would pay remarkably well, but I don't think I've gotten to the point of poverty yet where I can acquiesce to such requests.
Maybe I should get a credit card, but I doubt I'd be able to get one by this weekend in time to shoot the video, and creating debt for myself is probably not the best idea of dealingwith the situation anyhow.
If only you San Francisco city people had lawns I could mow...