Mar 19, 2015 11:52

I've seen a lot of pimp posts around pimping out people's favorite OTP/OT3/OT985732/band/whatever, and since I have an OTP that I love so much, I thought I'd share, too :D Which brings me to the

Kisung/Yehbum Pimp Post :D

So, who's the pairing?

Kibum x Yesung
Yesung x Kibum
Kisung (기성)
Yebum (예범)

Who are these people?

These two boys are from South Korea's very own popular thirteen member (count 'em, thirteen member) boyband, Super Junior.

Kibum is a quiet, reserved person, never really speaking more than necessary, and sometimes not even then. he tends to keep to himself, trying not to draw attention to himself at all, only making himself noticeable when he's out rapping with fellow rappers Hyukjae and Donghae (although lately he's been making himself noticed by simply not being around. Make sense? It will when you start hearing everyone say "Where's Kibum?" all the time). He doesn't really sing much (I think he has all of three lines in all of Suju's songs?), usually just harmonizing in the background. He's definitely a man of few words, which may make him seem kind of stand-offish or col - at the 2007 Korean Music Festival, Kangin asked Kibum to say something to California, and all he offered was a, "What's up, Cali?" - but he just enjoys his own space, preferring not to talk unless he really needs to.

Yesung, to me, is very difficult to explain since it seems like his character is constantly changing to fit the circumstances, and I feel like I can never keep up. Sometimes, it seems like he wants to be left alone, whereas other times he's having fun talking with the other members, hanging out, and laughing. And was it just me, or did he get to be quite the attention-whore right around the release of EHB? And yet now, he doesn't give off that vibe at all; he feels much more natural now. Either way, it seems like he's a different character all the time, maintaining a few key characteristics that make him Yesung (the way he can say something hilarious without laughing? lol), which makes him difficult to read and analyze, but awesome nontheless.

You like them as a couple - but why?

When I was first getting into the pairings of Super Junior, I was a bit retarded about what was an wasn't "canon." The first pairing I ever even remotely supported was Eunhyuk/Ryeowook, and that was actually  about Uncle Eunhyukki and Auntie Ryeowook to a made up Junsu Jr. that had been the subject of far too many inside jokes between me and my cousin. And honestly, when I first started reading fanfiction, Kangteuk surprised me. I couldn't picture it! But once I started really getting into it and started ficcing it (which actually took quite a while), I wanted a pairing that me and my cousin would both really like and enjoy

So, I took Kibum, one of my second favorites) and Yesung (my cousin's favorite), and put them together And as it turns out, there wasn't much of a fandom for them. It's grown quite a bit now, but I still don't think it's very well developed or known. (Of course, I could be very wrong. It's been known to happen!). It's kind of cool being in a fandom that not many people know about, but at the same time it's kind of lonely because there isn't much love for them. And I always crave more.

Anyway, there's something about the relationship between Kibum and Yesung that I just find so intriguing. I didn't really notice it until after I'd become a fan of them, but the way they act when they're together is just so sweet and playful and heartwarming in a way. A lot of the time, while they're sitting next to each other and the focus isn't on them, they'll hold hands, whisper to each other, mess with each other. You can also see that Kibum, who usually tends to be reserved, not really wanting to be the center of attention, will start to come out of his shell whenever Yesung comes around, and his more playful side is seen. He's more apt to be touchy and bold and start messing around when he's with Yesung.


There's not a lot, but it's definitely there, and definitely growing, especially with so many people doing the 100 fic challenge :)

arcticshatter 's fic Cranberry Juice
      -Flirt (100 Fic Challenge)
      -Don't Worry
      -Everything's Gonna Be Alright

lee_eun_hee 's fic Embarrassed
lrigelbbub 's fic Hesitation
tentacle 's fic Oreos and Milk
tentacle 's fic Untitled
catnip1613 's fic Without Coffee
jamietatsuya 's fic Flirt (100 Fic Challenge)
rasinah 's fic When Platonic Turns Hot and Heavy
abhihita 's fic Acts of Contrition

music_loner 's fic Together Forever
tamryneradani 's fic Unonventional Warm-Up
jishu 's fic Flirt (100 Fic Challenge)
skyangel2009 's fic Angel and Devil
      - Of Hobbies and Games
      - Satisfied
      - The Blessing of Meetings
      - End of the Game
      - Jealousy
suxxxju 's fic Perfection
miharusan 's fic Flirt (100 Fic Challenge)

snape_freak 's fic Teach Me (Flirt; 100 Fic Challenge)
      -It Only Takes Five Minutes
ficcy 's fic Willingness of the Seemingly Unwilling
      - Air Time
tentacle 's fic Untitled
       - Oreos and Milk

the_bestlvr 's fic Flirt (100 Fic Challenge)

lee_eun_hee 's fic Embarrassed.


My ever growing collection gathered from various sources :D

Click to make (most of them) bigger.

Gifs, yay! :D

(Still click to make some of them slightly bigger)



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Anyway, that's it :D I hope you enjoyed it! ♥


kisung, yehbum

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