Oct 11, 2005 21:05
Last night I was in a situation where I felt some pretty big disturbances energetically while I was at a Pagan Meet Up. I'm not sure exactly how to discribe it but here's the situation: I'm new to the group and at out last meeting one of the girls warned me to stand clear of another of the members because he's an "psychic vampire." I thanked her for the warning and politely refused the guy's offer to drive me home that night. Last night he chose to sit next to me and when he got up another member switched seats with me at the group organizer's prompting. I was diong okay for probably about an hour when I felt everything in my head shift suddenly towards this guy for only a split second and felt like something was pulled out of me from my third eye area. Then I felt something I can only describe as "squirmy" in my chest that lasted for a couple minutes. Then I proceeded to spend the rest of the night feeling very sick on an energetic level (which I think is weird because I don't do any sort of real energy work) and this fuzziness around my third eye. Sometime during this the "vampire" left but the feelings continued and I very distinctly got the impression they were not in fact from the "vampire" but from the girl that told me about him. Just when I thought to leave, I felt what I thought was my goddess (Epona) put a blanket over my shoulders and a horse nuzzle my ear which was relaxing for a minute or so until I got this sense of extreme anger from this horse that proceeded to rear about and become very feirce. When the group called for a break I high tailed it outside and cried and then collected myself when a third member of this group came out to see that I was okay. I said that I was just a happy Pagan worshipper that didn't get messed up in energy work, that I was scared, and that I needed some explanation about the group dynamics. He thinks that this "vampire" is just a chaotic guy with little control and that the girl is quite manipulative. When we went back inside the group was discussing what to do about this "vampire" and the girls there are all of the opinion that this guy is bad news (they are also all friends of the original girl, btw) while the guys were more upset about the group disruption than any "vampire attacks."
So I have questions:
1. What should I do about this energy work that was performed? How do I prevent it from happening again and can I figure out who actually did it? My suspicion is the girl but I'm not into accusing people of things they didn't do.
2. What's up with the horse?
3. I'm torn as to whether or not I should go back to the meetings. The three I'd been to beforehand were all social and I had a grand time but this was a study group and I'm really confused because I wanted to get more involved with local Pagans but this isn't how I wanted it to happen. What would yo do?
meeting other pagans