Hi, all,
I have been a (mostly non-posting) member of this community for quite a while and have seen some very thoughtful and intelligent comments placed here. So I'm hoping someone can give me some insight and thoughts on this matter.
I am the Senior Druid of the local ADF Grove here in the Atlanta area. We have a great group and I am very fortunate to have such good, intelligent, spiritual people in my Grove.
The problem lies in dealing with other parts of the Pagan community. As was recently made manifest in our local Pagan Pride Day, the majority of the Pagans in this area are familiar with Wicca and no other path. I have absolutely no problems with Wicca and see some great beauty in it, even if it isn't the path I follow.
We have had many people tell us "If you're not Wiccan, you're not really Pagan" or "Only Wiccans are Pagans" or similar comments.
I have tried to gently educate the people who say such things and some few of them seem receptive to new knowledge. Does anyone else have this problem? If so, how do you deal with it?
One of the rules of ADF is that local Groves are to do community service projects and I would like a good way to make people aware of who we are while such projects are being done. I think having a good way to address this issue is going to be something I need.
Any input that anyone has would be appreciated.
(Moderators, I apologize if this is not an appropriate post for this community.)
Blessings and Strength,