Sep 16, 2003 12:31
I just joined this group and, by way of introduction, wanted to comment on several recent threads:
On strange modes of dress within the Pagan community -- My thinking is that it's not so much how you dress or why, the real issue is what kind of person you are. That is, it's better to look normal and actually be an interesting, free-thinking person than it is to look "alternative" but really be a boring sheep at heart.
On music in ritual / circle -- a good bard is a great asset to any circle (if for no other reason than to keep people from that damned "We All Come From the Goddess" drivel). However, good bards are hard to come by and therefore people often don't know how to deal with them when they have one. I have a section in my book on this very topic. My husband for example (and yes, I know I'm biased, but he really is very skilled -- at a number of things) has been in rituals where they forget to even circle him in.
On getting together with other Pagans -- I fear that I don't seem to play well with others. I've had a hard time finding Pagans that I feel comfortable socializing with. Maybe it's me. Certainly having limited time in my personal life doesn't help. I got tired of being burned and pulled back, which is probably what the Pagans I've been looking for did.
ritual garb,
social paganism