My allergies have been utterly KICKING MY ASS these past couple days. Non-stop hardcore sneezing. I'm about to sell my nose on E-Bay.
I'm on vacation for the next 4 days, but I'm afraid of wasting it playing World of Warcraft, so I put a sticky note on my monitor that says "GO OUTSIDE!"
I totally cleaned and rearranged my room. To all people who know what it used to look like, I got rid of the bar(!), moved the big green/blue chair down to the other end, and got rid of all the crap that I had down there. It looks rather nice now.
I found "Reservoir Dogs" kubricks, a "Truth or Dare" Jenga game, and two graduation robes (one of which served a very convenient floor covering purpose/Darth Satan robe). Ahhh, the memories...
Things I need to do/get:
- Haircut(all of em)
- More shirts
- New flash drive (Lexi decided my programming homework was a dog toy)
- Rewire/Rework the network I have in my house
- Stop playing World of Warcraft until 3 in the morning, when I have school at 7:30
- Sell the sunbird
Things I want to do/get:
- Build myself a new computer
- CD player for my car, with an auxilary setting so I can directly connect my Dell (I HATE the stupid transmitter thing, the quality of it sucks large quantities of butt)
- A new TV for the basement (I know I just bought one, but it's a pain to have to lug the TV from upstairs everytime there's 4 guys that want to play Halo)
I would like to thank everyone that voted for my video for the "Rockets on Prisoner Award" for best music video. If I see you, just remind me that you voted and I'll give you an awesome high five.
But if you didnt vote, or arent voting every day, then you had better click this link. Or else demons from the 6 layer of hell will drag you to the fiery swamps of eternal damnation, where you'll spend the rest of eternity rotting on a pike, watching as your own intestines are slowly extracted and force-fed to you....undercooked. :D