Oh these are superb, love your lighting and close crops especially. 6 is all kinds of perfect. The texture use and compositions on these are amazing as well, especially on 4, 5, 9, 20 and 25. ALSO, YOU HAVE ONE FARSCAPE HERE ♥ Maaaajor love for that. It's stunning too, love the crop and all the purples!
Thank you so much! I've been meaning to make more Farscape icons since I haven't made a bunch in awhile. I might see if anyone wants to do a battle at theiconquest. :)
Oh, I would absolutely love to participate in an FS battle too! But I always miss all the battle plannings so hope I'll spot this one if it'll happen :)
Oh yes, that would be awesome! :D whichever way works the best for you. I can pretty much guarantee I'm in anyway, there's such a shortage of FS icons.
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